Röhren- und Pumpenwerk BAUER > Testimonials > 33 Rainstars T42 in Nicaragua
Rainstar T42_Nicaragua GN 16
Sugar cane in Nicaragua:

Every drop of water is used twice!

On the Monte Rosa farm in Nicaragua, water from the industrial sugar cane production can be used for irrigation, thanks to BAUER! Rainstars and FAN separators make it possible.

Pantaleon is an agricultural organisation active in Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua and dedicated to responsible processing of sugar cane for the production of sugar, molasses, alcohol and energy. Almost 18,000 employees produce 1.2 million tonnes of sugar and byproducts each year. As a member of Pantaleon, Monte Rosa in Nicaragua also grows sugar cane on its nearly 16,000 hectares of farmland. The farm also processes sugar cane supplied by independent producers from a total of 14,000 hectares. What makes Monte Rosa unique: 683 hectares of its own fields are irrigated with wastewater from industrial sugar cane processing!

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Sugar cane irrigation at Monte Rosa

33 Rainstars in action

These 683 hectares are located in the community of El Viejo, Chinandega, and are reliably irrigated by 33 BAUER Rainstars, model T42. Sugar cane is only irrigated during the dry season, from November to May, when the average high temperature is 36 °C. During the rainy season (May to October), the average high is 32 °C, with the weather being especially hot and humid from mid-July to mid-August. After the harvest, the sugar cane is chopped and ground – 16,000 tonnes per day (the Monte Rosa plant is in operation for a total of 180 harvest days). This is followed by the pressing, boiling and further processing of the sugar cane juice – all the way to packaging of the sugar. These processes require steam and water, which is sourced primarily from the water-rich sugar cane itself.

17. T42
A sustainable process

built with BAUER

50% of the industrial waste water is reused in this way. The waste water from the plant is brought to the fields in open canals. However, before the water can be used for irrigation, foreign substances such as fibrous material, grease and soil residue must be separated. This is accomplished with the FAN separators, after which the waste water flows into collecting pools, where heavy solids can settle out. The robust construction, optimal corrosion protection and reliable operation were some of the key factors leading to the purchase of the BAUER Rainstars. The head of the planning department, Alejandro Antonio Castillo Zamuria, was also impressed by the FAN separators: “They improve the physical and chemical quality of the irrigation water.” This has earned BAUER a loyal customer in Monta Rosa, which is planning to purchase additional hose reel machines.

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The perfect combination:

Irrigation and Separation

  • 33 Rainstars T42 systems with SmartRain and ECOSTAR 6000 irrigate with industrial waste water, another 20 Rainstars use water from deep wells.
  • Every Rainstar T42 needs about 50 m3/h at a pressure of 7.3 bar at the turbine.
  • 5 FAN-Separators: 4 PSS 3.2 – 1040 and 1 PSS 3.2-780

“The BAUER Rainstars impressed us particularly with their robust construction, simple programming and handling in the field and optimal adaptation to the various field shapes – not to mention the low maintenance costs.”

Alejandro Antonio Castillo Zamuria

Head of the planning department