Sprinklers are among the very first products that BAUER developed and brought onto the market. A product we grew up with and we are very familiar with. Therefore our current product portfolio only contains sprinklers of the best quality, made of selected raw materials and according to well thought-out concepts.
We know what counts for the perfect sprinkler: Uniform water distribution, throw, energy efficiency, reliability and adaptability.
BAUER sprinklers are convincing in all of these aspects. Both the wide range and the small sprinklers. Our customers can absolutely rely on that.
BAUER sprinklers are very easy to use because they are highly automatic. The self regulating system, for example, adjusts its brake force in relation to the respective operating pressure. Thereby the sprinkler always achieves a regular and constant rotation speed adjusted to the operating pressure - a requirement for good water distribution.
The well thought-out design of the sprinklers means that they automatically adapt to pressure fluctuations or changed nozzle diameters. This makes handling simple: there is no manual readjustment and our customers can be sure that their sprinkler is always adjusted correctly.
Our sprinklers are made out of high-quality and wear-resistant materials. This makes them more durable and practically maintenance-free. The modern construction comes without any parts, which are susceptible to faults, e.g ball-bearing, which could get rusty in humid conditions and cause a shut down and high repair costs.
The BAUER sprinklers are designed in such a way that the water jet is already widely dispersed at the start-up of the irrigation machine. Since the water jet is not in a heavily concentrated stream, the sprinkler largely avoids the creation of furrows during irrigation. In addition, the sprinkler automatically adapts to different pressure levels, which ensures even water distribution. Due to the fact that the water distribution is highly consistent, additional nozzles, as often used, are not necessary.
The BAUER sprinkler works smoothly and with little vibration. The slow reverse has the advantage that the sprinkler cart of the irrigation machine does not run off track and the danger of tilting is reduced. The balanced mode of operation makes the sprinkler perfectly applicable as an end gun for pivots, but is also suitable for fixed and flexible irrigation units.
The BAUER wide range sprinkler fits perfectly on our Rainstars and Pivots and fulfills its true purpose there. But it can also be installed on other irrigation systems of all kinds.
It irrigates reliably in every situation and ensures uniform water distribution, which helps the soil to evenly absorb water, consequently avoiding water run-offs.
This greatly promotes even plant growth throughout the field and at the same time can increase the yield and its quality.
In addition, our sprinklers are impressive in terms of throw and energy efficiency.
The length oft he throw determines the area being irrigated. A longer throw increases the area covered by the irrigation with the effect of making the irrigation more cost effective.
For us, energy efficiency means that the sprinklers are designed in such a way that the required operating pressure is kept as low as possible. Because the lower the pressure, the lower the operating costs. Of course without sacrificing the quality of the water distribution uniformity.
Our customers can absolutely trust in the reliability of our wide range sprinklers. This is important because yield losses and waste of energy must be avoided at all costs. After all, the potential of the soil should be fully exploited.
And finally it is fundamental that a sprinkler adapts to every situation while keeping excellent performance in all types of irrigation systems and environmental conditions, also in extreme ones.
The Vari-Angle design allows fine-tuning of the trajectory, which is extremely helpful in case of stronger winds or obstacles such as power lines. The trajectory of our sprinklers can be continuously adjusted without restricting the flow.
A reduced trajectory angle is extremely effective, especially in case of stronger winds, as a flat jet parabola reduces water drift and increases irrigation efficiency substantially.
In addition to that Vari-Angle is a real advantage also in cases where obstacles such as power lines need to be avoided.
Standard Rainstar guns come with a 24° trajectory, pivot sprinklers with 12°. With the VARI-ANGLE the trajectory angle can be adjusted infinitely between 15° and 45° depending on the model.
Staying within the boundaries of your own field is important for efficient irrigation. This not only saves valuable resources that would otherwise be lost to adjacent areas, but also avoids unnecessary discussions with the neighbours.
If the field borders roads or adjacent fields, it is common to start irrigation towards the traveller, and manually change the irrigation sector afterwards. Previously, this change had to be done manually. This procedure can now be automated with the patented Komet Inverter.
The inverter is a time-controlled device that changes the irrigation sectors, that have been set before irrigation, during operation.
With our dynamic interval diffusor it is possible to influence the jet break-up by distributing more water in the vicinity of the sprinkler. In this way, the diffusor increases the jet break-up and provides a gentle precipitation for sensitive crops. Especially in low pressure conditions, the dynamic jet breaker does valuable work to ensure satisfactory harvest. Another important advantage of this device is that it allows to adapt the water distribution profile to suit the requirement of solid-set systems.
pressure bar | Nozzle 12mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 12mm Radius m | Nozzle 14mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 14mm Radius m | Nozzle 16mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 16mm Radius m | Nozzle 18mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 18mm Radius m | Nozzle 20mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 20mm Radius m |
2,0 | 7,8 | 24,2 | 10,6 | 26,5 | 13,8 | 28,9 | 17,5 | 29,1 | 21,7 | 29,4 |
2,5 | 8,7 | 26,8 | 11,9 | 29,0 | 15,4 | 31,3 | 19,5 | 32,5 | 24,2 | 33,8 |
3,0 | 9,6 | 29,4 | 13,0 | 31,6 | 16,9 | 33,7 | 21,4 | 35,9 | 26,5 | 38,2 |
3,5 | 10,3 | 31,2 | 14,1 | 33,3 | 18,2 | 35,5 | 23,1 | 37,9 | 28,7 | 40,4 |
4,0 | 11,1 | 32,9 | 15,1 | 35,1 | 19,5 | 37,3 | 24,7 | 39,9 | 30,7 | 42,5 |
4,5 | 11,7 | 33,9 | 16,0 | 36,2 | 20,7 | 38,6 | 26,2 | 41,2 | 32,5 | 43,9 |
5,0 | 12,4 | 34,8 | 16,8 | 37,3 | 21,8 | 39,8 | 27,6 | 42,5 | 34,3 | 45,2 |
5,5 | 13,0 | 35,7 | 17,7 | 38,4 | 22,9 | 41,1 | 29,0 | 43,8 | 35,9 | 46,5 |
6,0 | 13,5 | 36,6 | 18,4 | 39,5 | 23,9 | 42,4 | 30,3 | 45,0 | 37,5 | 47,7 |
6,5 | 14,1 | 37,4 | 19,2 | 40,4 | 24,9 | 43,3 | 31,5 | 46,0 | 39,1 | 48,7 |
7,0 | 14,6 | 38,2 | 19,9 | 41,2 | 25,8 | 44,2 | 32,7 | 46,9 | 40,6 | 49,7 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 22mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 22mm Radius m | Nozzle 24mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 24mm Radius m | Nozzle 26mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 26mm Radius m | Nozzle 28mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 28mm Radius m |
2,0 | 26,1 | 29,8 | 31,1 | 30,2 | 36,7 | 30,6 | 42,3 | 30,9 |
2,5 | 29,2 | 34,4 | 34,7 | 35,1 | 41,0 | 35,8 | 47,3 | 36,5 |
3,0 | 31,9 | 39,1 | 38,0 | 39,9 | 44,9 | 41,0 | 51,8 | 42,1 |
3,5 | 34,5 | 41,6 | 41,1 | 42,9 | 48,5 | 44,4 | 56,0 | 45,9 |
4,0 | 36,9 | 44,2 | 43,9 | 45,8 | 51,8 | 47,8 | 59,8 | 49,7 |
4,5 | 39,1 | 45,7 | 46,6 | 47,6 | 55,0 | 49,8 | 63,5 | 52,0 |
5,0 | 41,2 | 47,3 | 49,1 | 49,3 | 58,0 | 51,8 | 66,9 | 54,3 |
5,5 | 43,2 | 48,7 | 51,5 | 50,9 | 60,8 | 53,5 | 70,2 | 56,2 |
6,0 | 45,2 | 50,1 | 53,8 | 52,5 | 63,5 | 55,3 | 73,3 | 58,1 |
6,5 | 47,0 | 51,2 | 56,0 | 53,7 | 66,1 | 56,5 | 76,3 | 59,3 |
7,0 | 48,8 | 52,3 | 58,1 | 54,9 | 68,6 | 57,7 | 79,2 | 60,6 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 16mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 16mm Radius m | Nozzle 18mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 18mm Radius m | Nozzle 20mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 20mm Radius m | Nozzle 22mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 22mm Radius m | Nozzle 24mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 24mm Radius m |
2,0 | 13,8 | 29,0 | 17,5 | 29,3 | 21,7 | 29,5 | 26,1 | 30,0 | 31,1 | 30,4 |
2,5 | 15,4 | 32,3 | 19,5 | 33,4 | 24,2 | 34,6 | 29,2 | 35,4 | 34,7 | 36,1 |
3,0 | 16,9 | 35,5 | 21,4 | 37,6 | 26,5 | 39,7 | 31,9 | 40,8 | 38,0 | 41,8 |
3,5 | 18,2 | 36,5 | 32,1 | 38,6 | 28,7 | 40,8 | 34,5 | 42,3 | 41,1 | 43,8 |
4,0 | 19,5 | 37,5 | 24,7 | 39,7 | 30,7 | 41,8 | 36,9 | 43,8 | 43,9 | 45,7 |
4,5 | 20,7 | 38,7 | 26,2 | 41,1 | 32,5 | 43,5 | 39,1 | 45,6 | 46,6 | 47,6 |
5,0 | 21,8 | 40,0 | 27,6 | 42,6 | 34,3 | 45,1 | 41,2 | 47,3 | 49,1 | 49,5 |
5,5 | 22,9 | 41,3 | 29,0 | 43,9 | 35,9 | 46,5 | 43,2 | 48,8 | 51,5 | 51,1 |
6,0 | 23,9 | 42,6 | 30,3 | 45,3 | 37,5 | 48,0 | 45,2 | 50,3 | 53,8 | 52,7 |
6,5 | 24,9 | 43,5 | 31,5 | 46,2 | 39,1 | 48,9 | 47,0 | 51,4 | 56,0 | 53,9 |
7,0 | 25,8 | 44,4 | 32,7 | 47,2 | 40,6 | 49,9 | 48,8 | 52,5 | 58,1 | 55,2 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 26mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 26mm Radius m | Nozzle 28mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 28mm Radius m | Nozzle 30mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 30mm Radius m | Nozzle 32mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 32mm Radius m | Nozzle 34mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 34mm Radius m |
2,0 | 36,7 | 30,7 | 42,3 | 31,0 | 48,6 | 31,3 | 55,7 | 31,7 | 62,5 | 32,0 |
2,5 | 41,0 | 36,4 | 47,3 | 36,7 | 54,3 | 37,0 | 62,3 | 37,3 | 69,8 | 37,6 |
3,0 | 44,9 | 42,1 | 51,8 | 42,3 | 59,5 | 42,6 | 68,2 | 42,9 | 76,5 | 43,3 |
3,5 | 48,5 | 45,0 | 56,0 | 46,1 | 64,3 | 47,0 | 73,7 | 47,8 | 82,6 | 48,9 |
4,0 | 51,8 | 47,8 | 59,8 | 50,0 | 68,7 | 51,3 | 78,8 | 52,7 | 88,3 | 54,6 |
4,5 | 55,0 | 50,0 | 63,5 | 52,3 | 72,9 | 54,1 | 83,6 | 56,0 | 93,7 | 57,9 |
5,0 | 58,0 | 52,1 | 66,9 | 54,6 | 76,8 | 56,9 | 88,1 | 59,3 | 98,7 | 61,3 |
5,5 | 60,8 | 53,8 | 70,2 | 56,5 | 80,5 | 58,9 | 92,4 | 61,2 | 103,6 | 63,5 |
6,0 | 63,5 | 55,6 | 73,3 | 58,4 | 84,1 | 60,8 | 96,5 | 63,2 | 108,2 | 65,7 |
6,5 | 66,1 | 56,8 | 76,3 | 59,6 | 87,6 | 62,1 | 100,4 | 64,5 | 112,6 | 67,2 |
7,0 | 68,6 | 58,0 | 79,2 | 60,9 | 90,9 | 63,3 | 104,2 | 65,8 | 116,8 | 68,7 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 18mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 18mm Radius m | Nozzle 20mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 20mm Radius m | Nozzle 22mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 22mm Radius m | Nozzle 24mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 24mm Radius m | Nozzle 26mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 26mm Radius m |
3,0 | 21,7 | 37,8 | 26,9 | 39,9 | 32,4 | 41,0 | 38,5 | 42,0 | 45,6 | 42,3 |
3,5 | 23,4 | 39,4 | 29,0 | 41,6 | 34,9 | 43,1 | 41,6 | 44,6 | 49,2 | 45,9 |
4,0 | 25,1 | 41,0 | 31,0 | 43,2 | 37,4 | 45,3 | 44,5 | 47,3 | 52,6 | 49,5 |
4,5 | 26,6 | 42,3 | 32,9 | 44,7 | 39,6 | 46,9 | 47,2 | 49,0 | 55,8 | 51,4 |
5,0 | 28,0 | 43,6 | 34,7 | 46,2 | 41,8 | 48,5 | 49,7 | 50,8 | 58,8 | 53,4 |
5,5 | 29,4 | 44,7 | 36,4 | 47,3 | 43,8 | 49,7 | 52,1 | 52,0 | 61,7 | 54,7 |
6,0 | 30,7 | 45,7 | 38,0 | 48,4 | 58,8 | 50,9 | 54,4 | 53,3 | 64,4 | 56,1 |
6,5 | 31,9 | 46,7 | 39,5 | 49,4 | 47,6 | 52,0 | 56,7 | 54,5 | 67,1 | 57,4 |
7,0 | 33,2 | 47,7 | 41,0 | 50,4 | 49,4 | 53,1 | 58,8 | 55,7 | 69,6 | 58,6 |
7,5 | 34,3 | 48,5 | 42,5 | 51,4 | 51,2 | 54,1 | 60,9 | 56,8 | 72,0 | 59,7 |
8,0 | 35,4 | 49,3 | 43,9 | 52,3 | 52,8 | 55,1 | 62,9 | 57,9 | 74,4 | 60,7 |
8,5 | 36,5 | 50,2 | 45,2 | 53,2 | 54,5 | 56,0 | 64,8 | 58,9 | 76,7 | 61,7 |
9,0 | 37,6 | 51,0 | 46,5 | 54,1 | 56,0 | 57,0 | 66,7 | 59,9 | 78,9 | 62,6 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 28mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 28mm Radius m | Nozzle 30mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 30mm Radius m | Nozzle 32mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 32mm Radius m | Nozzle 34mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 34mm Radius m | Nozzle 36mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 36mm Radius m | Nozzle 38mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 38mm Radius m |
3,0 | 52,6 | 42,5 | 60,4 | 42,8 | 69,1 | 43,2 | 77,5 | 43,5 | 86,8 | 43,8 | ||
3,5 | 56,8 | 47,1 | 65,2 | 48,0 | 74,6 | 48,8 | 83,7 | 50,0 | 93,7 | 51,1 | ||
4,0 | 60,7 | 51,7 | 69,7 | 53,1 | 79,8 | 54,5 | 89,4 | 56,5 | 100,2 | 58,3 | ||
4,5 | 64,4 | 53,8 | 74,0 | 55,7 | 84,6 | 57,6 | 94,9 | 59,6 | 106,3 | 61,6 | ||
5,0 | 67,9 | 55,9 | 78,0 | 58,3 | 89,2 | 60,8 | 100,0 | 62,8 | 112,0 | 64,9 | ||
5,5 | 71,2 | 57,5 | 81,8 | 59,9 | 93,5 | 62,3 | 104,9 | 64,6 | 117,5 | 66,9 | ||
6,0 | 74,4 | 59,0 | 85,4 | 61,4 | 97,7 | 63,8 | 109,5 | 66,3 | 122,7 | 68,8 | ||
6,5 | 77,4 | 60,2 | 88,9 | 62,7 | 101,7 | 65,1 | 114,0 | 67,9 | 127,7 | 70,6 | ||
7,0 | 80,3 | 61,5 | 92,2 | 64,0 | 105,5 | 66,5 | 118,3 | 69,4 | 132,5 | 72,3 | ||
7,5 | 83,1 | 62,5 | 95,5 | 65,0 | 109,2 | 67,5 | 122,5 | 70,6 | 137,2 | 73,6 | ||
8,0 | 85,9 | 63,6 | 98,6 | 66,1 | 112,8 | 68,6 | 126,5 | 71,8 | 141,7 | 74,9 | ||
8,5 | 88,5 | 64,4 | 101,6 | 66,9 | 116,3 | 69,4 | 130,4 | 72,7 | 146,0 | 75,8 | ||
9,0 | 91,1 | 65,3 | 104,6 | 67,8 | 119,6 | 70,3 | 134,2 | 73,5 | 150,3 | 76,7 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 22mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 22mm Radius m | Nozzle 24mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 24mm Radius m | Nozzle 26mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 26mm Radius m | Nozzle 28mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 28mm Radius m | Nozzle 30mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 30mm Radius m | Nozzle 32mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 32mm Radius m |
3,0 | 32,4 | 41,5 | 38,5 | 42,6 | 45,6 | 42,9 | 52,6 | 43,1 | 60,4 | 43,5 | ||
3,5 | 34,9 | 43,6 | 41,6 | 45,2 | 49,2 | 46,4 | 56,8 | 47,6 | 65,2 | 48,5 | ||
4,0 | 37,4 | 45,7 | 44,5 | 47,7 | 52,6 | 49,9 | 60,7 | 52,1 | 69,7 | 53,6 | ||
4,5 | 39,6 | 47,2 | 47,2 | 49,4 | 55,8 | 51,8 | 64,4 | 54,2 | 74,0 | 56,1 | ||
5,0 | 41,8 | 48,7 | 49,7 | 51,0 | 58,8 | 53,6 | 67,9 | 56,2 | 78,0 | 58,6 | ||
5,5 | 43,8 | 49,9 | 52,1 | 52,3 | 61,7 | 55,0 | 71,2 | 57,7 | 81,8 | 60,2 | ||
6,0 | 45,8 | 51,1 | 54,4 | 53,5 | 64,4 | 56,4 | 74,4 | 59,3 | 85,4 | 61,7 | ||
6,5 | 47,6 | 52,2 | 56,7 | 54,8 | 67,1 | 57,7 | 77,4 | 60,5 | 88,9 | 63,0 | ||
7,0 | 49,4 | 53,4 | 58,8 | 56,0 | 69,6 | 58,9 | 80,3 | 61,8 | 92,2 | 64,3 | ||
7,5 | 51,2 | 54,5 | 60,9 | 57,3 | 72,0 | 60,1 | 83,1 | 63,0 | 95,5 | 65,5 | ||
8,0 | 52,8 | 55,7 | 62,9 | 58,5 | 74,4 | 61,4 | 85,9 | 64,2 | 98,6 | 66,8 | ||
8,5 | 54,5 | 56,6 | 64,8 | 59,5 | 76,7 | 62,3 | 88,5 | 65,1 | 101,6 | 67,6 | ||
9,0 | 56,0 | 57,6 | 66,7 | 60,5 | 78,9 | 63,3 | 91,1 | 66,0 | 104,6 | 68,5 |
Pressure bar | Nozzle 34mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 34mm Radius m | Nozzle 36mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 36mm Radius m | Nozzle 38mm Durchfluss m³/h | Nozzle 38mm Radius m | Nozzle 40mm Durchfluss m³/h | Nozzle 40mm Radius m | Nozzle 42mm Durchfluss m³/h | Nozzle 42mm Radius m | Nozzle 44mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 44mm Radius m | Nozzle 45mm Flow m³/h | Nozzle 45mm Radius m |
3,0 | 77,5 | 44,1 | 86,8 | 44,4 | 97,0 | 44,7 | 106,6 | 45,1 | 117,5 | 45,4 | ||||
3,5 | 83,7 | 50,5 | 93,7 | 51,6 | 104,7 | 52,7 | 115,1 | 53,5 | 126,9 | 54,3 | ||||
4,0 | 89,4 | 57,0 | 100,2 | 58,9 | 112,0 | 60,7 | 123,1 | 61,8 | 135,7 | 63,1 | ||||
4,5 | 94,9 | 60,0 | 106,3 | 62,0 | 118,8 | 64,0 | 130,5 | 65,3 | 143,9 | 66,8 | ||||
5,0 | 100,0 | 63,1 | 112,0 | 65,2 | 125,2 | 67,3 | 137,6 | 68,8 | 151,7 | 70,5 | ||||
5,5 | 104,9 | 64,9 | 117,5 | 67,2 | 131,3 | 69,5 | 144,3 | 71,3 | 159,1 | 73,1 | ||||
6,0 | 109,5 | 66,7 | 122,7 | 69,2 | 137,1 | 71,7 | 150,7 | 73,7 | 166,2 | 75,7 | ||||
6,5 | 114,0 | 68,2 | 127,7 | 70,9 | 142,7 | 73,6 | 156,9 | 75,7 | 173,0 | 77,9 | ||||
7,0 | 118,3 | 69,8 | 132,5 | 72,6 | 148,1 | 75,5 | 162,8 | 77,8 | 179,5 | 80,1 | ||||
7,5 | 122,5 | 71,1 | 137,2 | 74,1 | 153,3 | 77,2 | 168,5 | 79,5 | 185,8 | 82,0 | ||||
8,0 | 126,5 | 72,5 | 141,7 | 75,7 | 158,3 | 78,8 | 174,1 | 81,3 | 191,9 | 83,8 | ||||
8,5 | 130,4 | 73,4 | 146,0 | 76,6 | 163,2 | 79,7 | 179,4 | 82,2 | 197,8 | 84,9 | ||||
9,0 | 134,2 | 74,3 | 150,3 | 77,4 | 168,0 | 80,6 | 184,6 | 83,2 | 203,5 | 85,9 |
The small sprinklers from BAUER contain proven technology that has been tried and tested over decades. They are made of high-quality materials such as brass or bronze. They are classics in irrigation and work confidently in different settings, mostly in connection with classic irrigation, hose pull, pipe grid or solid set systems. The small sprinklers from BAUER are practically indestructible. They are mainly used for irrigating sensitive, low-growing vegetables such as onions, carrots or new potatoes.