Water is a precious resource, which needs to be conserved. With regulators applying pressure on an array of ever stricter regulations regarding water usage, and environmental protection increasing worldwide, Bauer saw a need to develop products to meet these requirements.
With the BAUER VRI solution, water is applied in the most economical way possible: precipitation is programmed to automatically and precisely adjust to different crops and soil types, unnecessary areas can be left out, also preventing over or under application. Effluent can also be applied without issue. It is important to maximise the use of waste water, providing the plant with sufficient water and nutrients, while meeting all official regulations. BAUER VRI makes this simple!
VRI (Variable Rate Irrigation) means that water application rates within selected areas of one field, can be adjusted to the exact precipitation rate to crop requirement and soil moisture holding capacity. In addition, selected areas can be excluded from the irrigated zone, such as troughs, waterways, buildings and laneways. This ensures that no water is wasted.
The VRI principle is based on activation and deactivation of individual nozzles, which are controlled by Bauer’s unique VRI boxes via a BUS system. Depending on plant requirements, areas within the field are programmed for different application rates. The Bauer system is remote monitored and controlled, via Bauer’s SmartRain server. With this system in place, less time is required in the field. SmartRain allows the user to see every machine function, and adjust the functions remotely.
BAUER VRI is available for BAUER Pivots, Linear and Centerliner systems. A Retro-fit kit for existing systems is also available.
The main components of the BAUER VRI solution are:
With VRI it is certain that no water is wasted. The BAUER VRI solution guarantees efficient use of the available water resources, while delivery maximises crop yields: you’ll get more out of every hectare. To fully benefit from VRI, a prescription program is set up with SmartRain, where field data, soil types, and holding capacity can all be factored in to create an irrigation plan tailored to the field and crop requirements.
With SmartRain and VRI, your irrigation machine can easily be controlled from any PC, smartphone or tablet:
Svante Runfeldt on the Swedish island of Gotland collects the rainwater falling in abundance from November to January. With these water reserves 120 hectares of corn and different vegetables have to be irrigated throughout the whole season. Not a drop must be wasted. This only works with a Pivot and VRI from BAUER.
Usually the VRI system (Variable Rate Irrigation) is used in arable farming to provide different crops within one field, with the exact precipitation rate adapted to the special need of the plants. In New Zealand however, 99 percent of VRI systems are used on pasture, just like on Waituna Dairies. The arguments for this are convincing.