Courage, zest for action and an innovative spirit have characterized the Bauer company from the very beginning. No matter how good or how bad times are. At Bauer, we firmly believe that quality work
and honest commitment always lead to success in the end. And that true talents pave their way anyway.
Over the decades, a regional handicraft business has become a global industrial company.
Bauer celebrates its brithday!
Like 90 years ago the world is now in crisis mode. But we at Bauer will not let ourselves get distracted by this. We trust in the values that have made us strong: Courage, commitment and the consistant persuit of renewal. This is how histrory becomes future!
Climate protection is a fundamental concern for Bauer.
On the entire roof of the headquarters in Voitsberg a photvoltaic system is being installed. From now on Bauer produces in a climate neutral way. A very big step towards a green future.
The new factory in São João da Boa Vista, Brasil, opens:
on 37.000m² they produce pivot machines and Rainstar-hose reel irrigators for Brasil as well as the whole Mercosul.
Bauer goes digital
Bauer recoginzes the signs of the time and focuses its research on the topic Agriculture 4.0. With VRI, SmartRain, SmartTouch and NiR sensor technology the company designs tools which support the modern farmer digitally in the management of the farm.
In a ceremony Bauer receives the Austrian export award, donated by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Ministy of Economic affairs.
The Bauer family is growing again:
The Upper Franconian producer of slurry technology BSA becomes part of the group of companies.
The companies BaB Beltec and Fan Separator are integrated into the Bauer Group. Bauer rises to number one on the international separator market.
With the aquisition of the Bavarian company Eckart Maschinenbau, Bauer is embarking on a consistant expansion course.
The aquisition of the Bavarian company Eckart Maschinenbau marks the beginning of an incomparable expansion course.
Management Buyout
Three years after joining the company Otto Roiss, together with Andreas Schitter and Heimo Wiesinger, take over significant shares of the company in the course of a management buyout.
On all five continents
The location of the USA branch will be relocated from west to east: Bauer North America will be reorganised in Michigan City. The foundation of further branches in South Africa, Australia or the Ukraine is being prepared. The network of the Bauer subsidiaries is now tightly woven and over time spans all five continents.
The second hour zero
Otto Roiss, who has studied mechanical engineering and is an internationally experienced manager, becomes the new managing director of Bauer and leads the company into a new era.
A troubled decade
The 1990‘s are a restless decade for Bauer. Change of ownership and other turbulances severely test the companies resiliance. But Bauer reinvents itself.
The market requires low pressure irrigation systems: Bauer mounts the first pivot and linear systems.
The year of birth of the RAINSTAR!
It’s time for the first hose reel irrigation machines. With the development of the RAINSTARS Bauer revolutionizes the world of irrigation.
The first Bauer slurry tanker leaves the factory in Voitsberg.
Bauer starts with the production of a sprinkler, which is suitable for water as well as slurry.
The Rolling Fifties
In the coming decades the company experiences an enormous boom. The product range is being expanded step by step. The radius of action extends beyond national borders.
The Austrian economy urgently needs an increased production of milk, butter and meat. 100 employees and big plans need space. A new company building is erected at the current location in Voitsberg. 70m² become 4045m²
The world-renowned BAUER HK coupling
Rudolf Bauer invents the famous HK lever lock coupling. The unique coupling system is patented and begins its triumphal march around the world.
A groundbreaking invention
Years of research pay off: Bauer achieves its first breakthrough with the development of the new, unusually light high-pressure liquid manure pump. The age of mechanical manure spreading begins.
In the mid-1930s the company had a dozen employees. Simple agricultural implements are made for the farmers in the area. But Rudolf Bauer strives for more: he has the firm will to build machines that help farmers' work easier.
The 1920s ended with a gigantic stock market crash, but the master locksmith and passionate technician Rudolf Bauer was not deterred by the general mood of crisis and went his way resolutely and courageously.